Cyst is a abnormal bone cavity located in the jawbone or in the surrounding soft tissues, containing liquid or viscous material and its wall invested from epithelium. When cysts are left untreated they gradually grow and expand in weight neighbouring structures causing problems. More frequent is the infection from infection with pain and swelling and tooth damage or movement. Other times it may manifest sinus dysfunction, nasal breathing difficulties, sensory problems, numbness in the lip or gums from damage to nerves in the area or even pathological fracture from large cysts, especially in weakened jaws.
Η treatment of cysts is surgical and depends on their type, size and location, as well as the age and general condition of the patient. Objectives of the treatment is the complete removal of the cystic lesion so that it does not recur while protecting the neighbouring structures and restoring the area to its original form and function. Usually the removal of the cyst is carried out by nucleation which consists of the complete surgical removal of the cyst with emphasis on the cystic wall over the entire extent of the lesion. In some large cysts it can be done marsupialization (decompression). The procedure is usually performed with an intraoral incision in the gums. After the operation you will have Stitches in the mouth, which are removed on the 7-10th day after surgery. The relatively small postoperative swelling gradually subsides. Η final diagnosis of the type of cyst is done by sending the
web site for histological testing.