1. Biting my nails
The habit: This nervous habit can also affect your jaw. "Placing your jaw in a protruding position for long periods of time can put pressure on your jaw, which is associated with jaw dysfunction."
The solution: Bitter-tasting nail polishes, reducing stress and setting small, realistic goals can help. If certain situations can't be avoided, keep something to keep your fingers busy.
2. Brushing is done with a hard toothbrush
The habit: The Brushing for two minutes twice a day is one of the best habits you can do. Just make sure you don't try with a very hard toothbrush. Brushing with a hard toothbrush can damage the teeth and irritate the gums.
The solution: Use a soft toothbrush with the right pressure. "Don't think "scrub". Think of the word "massage"
3. Chewing ice cubes
The habit: Tooth enamel is a crystal. Ice is a crystal. When you press two crystals against each other, one will break. Most of the time it is the ice, but sometimes the tooth or filling will break.
The solution: Drink cold drinks without ice. The risk of chewing ice is greater than any pleasure derived from chewing. Besides, ice is very cold!
4. Daily snack
The habit: Η Eating snacks throughout the day, especially sugary foods and drinks, puts you at greater risk for cavities.
The solution: Make balanced meals. If you need a snack, make sure it is low in fat and sugar.
5. Using your teeth as tools
The habit: Your teeth were made for eating, not to be used as a knife or to hold things when your hands are full. When you do this, you put yourself at greater risk by cracking your teeth or injuring your jaw.
The solution: Stop and find something or someone to give you a hand. Your teeth will thank you for it.