Undoubtedly the bright and white smile is the feature that everyone would wish for, as it adds charm, youth and confidence!
Everyday habits such as coffee, tea, nicotine, the use of medications during the period of tooth formation (e.g. tetracycline), chronic use of oral antiseptic solutions and injury result in the deposition of pigments on the teeth.
The treatment of choice is whitening, as it is a safe, quick, effective and conservative procedure, since it does not require the removal of dental tissue. At Clinic we use the application of a high content of bleaching agent, which depending on the manufacturer's instructions is activated (or not) by means of radiation. There is the home whitening method, which is performed by the patient with special whitening splints following the dentist's instructions. The combination of in-office and at-home whitening is the option that is becoming more and more widespread, as the rationale is to combine the positive elements of both of the aforementioned techniques.